Posted by admin on June 22, 2011 under Articles | 33 Comments to Read

Perennial China Retail Trust (“PCRT”) is Singapore’s first pure-play PRC retail development trust listed on the Main Board of the SGX-ST. The Trustee-Manager’s key objective is to provide unitholders of PCRT with (i) long-term capital growth from a steady growth in net asset value through acquiring attractively-priced predominantly-retail development projects and the on-going value creation of PCRT’s assets and (ii) regular distributions from the income of its completed and stabilised to check


Hutchinson IPO

Posted by admin on March 10, 2011 under News | 6 Comments to Read

Hutchison makes waves with port trust IPO launch
Public offer closes on March 14, trading expected to begin on March 18


(SINGAPORE) Singapore’s largest initial public offering (IPO) which was launched yesterday – a Hutchison Whampoa spin-off in the form of Hutchison Port Holdings Trust (HPH Trust) – is seeing ‘overwhelmingly enthusiastic’ response, even in a jittery equities climate that has not been kind to recent IPOs.

Based on the offering’s price range, the implied distribution per unit yield for the forecast period of 2011 is between 5.5 per cent and 6.5 per cent. Next year, this is expected to increase to between 6.1 per cent and 7.2 per cent.

more about Hutchinson IPO………

SMALL investors are getting a chance to take part in what looks set to become Singapore’s largest initial public offering (IPO) – to raise up to US$5.8 billion (S$7.3 billion).

Hutchison Port Holdings Trust (HPH Trust), the Chinese ports unit of Hong Kong conglomerate Hutchison Whampoa, launched the public offer of its mega IPO at noon on Monday. Hutchison Whampoa is headed by Asia’s richest man Li Ka Shing. HPH owns booming ports in southern mainland China and Hong Kong.

Retail investors here are being offered 185.2 million units out of up to 3.9 billion units on sale in total. Investors have until 10 am next Monday to subscribe.

The final offering price will be set between 91 US cents and US$1.08, with pricing expected next Monday.

In the meantime, Singapore retail investors will have to pay $1.383 per unit – a price converted from the US dollar figure at the top of the range – and will get refunds if the IPO price ends up lower.

The trust is listing here as Hong Kong regulations do not yet allow for such business trusts. Its portfolio boasts ports in Hong Kong and Shenzhen in Guangdong province. Together they were the world’s busiest container port market in 2009.

more at


Posted by admin on February 27, 2011 under News | 4 Comments to Read


Principal Business
The Group is a multi-disciplinary specialist provider of detailed engineering, procurement and construction services to the offshore oil and gas, marine construction and other industries.

Its principal business activities are the fabrication and assembly of topside modules for FPSOs and FSOs in Singapore. From time to time, the Group may also undertake ad hoc general engineering and fabrication projects for specialised structures for semi-submersibles and sub-sea products.

Main Markets
The Group’s customers are located mainly in Asia Pacific, Europe and USA and include major engineering companies, owners and/or operators of FPSOs, FSOs and semi-submersibles which serve the oil and gas companies.


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Our Company was incorporated in Singapore on 30 September 2010 under the Companies Act as a private company limited by shares under the name of “Chew’s Group Private Limited”. On 25 January 2011, our Company changed its name to “Chew’s Group Limited” in connection with its conversion into a public company limited by shares.

The beginning of our Group’s history can be traced back to 1975 when Chew’s Poultry Farm Brother Company was established, operating a breeder farm selling day-old chicks to broiler and layer farms in Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei. In 1987, having identified the potential for growth in the poultry farming industry, Chew’s Agriculture Pte Ltd (“CAPL”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of our Company, was established. Over a period of five (5) years, CAPL gradually switched its focus to layer farming for higher profits, and took over the farming and distribution of eggs from Chew’s Poultry Farm Brother Company.

We are currently one of the leading producers of fresh eggs in Singapore, specialising in the production and sale of designer eggs, which contain specific value-added nutrients. We are also engaged in the production and sale of liquid eggs as well as the trading of spent grains. Over the years, we have built a strong presence and brand-name in developing high quality, wholesome and safe eggs for consumers in Singapore.

Our Group’s business can be categorised into three (3) main segments as follows:

Sri Trang Agro-Industry Public Company Limited (New IPO)

Posted by admin on January 18, 2011 under Articles | Read the First Comment



We are an integrated natural rubber business involved in the entire natural rubber supply chain of

planting, procurement, processing and sales and distribution. We carry out our natural rubber supply

chain operations on a multi-national platform in Thailand, Indonesia, the PRC, the United States and

Singapore and we sell Natural Rubber Products, comprising RSS, TSR and Concentrated Latex, to

customers globally. Our operations span the ownership and management of rubber plantations in

Thailand, our raw material procurement centres and rubber processing facilities in Thailand and

Indonesia, our global sales and distribution operations which are managed out of Singapore, a global

purchasing hub for key users of natural rubber, as well as distribution and warehousing facilities in the

PRC which were set up to cater to the growing PRC market.


more about

Sri Trang Agro-Industry Public Company Limited (New IPO)


STI Daily & Hour Charts Charts

Posted by admin on January 13, 2011 under Articles | Read the First Comment

STI Daily

STI still doing fine above 14-days EMA line at the moment. Rotational play and buying interest continues to take place among small caps and a few mid caps. Stock and sector selection becomes more important in this 2nd half of bull market…

STI Hourly

However, hourly STI had slipped back inside the hourly Bollinger Bands now. Luckily its still above the important horizontal support level of 3217. Two hourly midas lines are also converging at 3210, so 3210~3217 forms a very strong support zone for STI. As long as STI can continue to close above 3217, the chance of reaching new high within the next one mth will remain high.

Thanks to Cinderella

View the charts @

Daily Brokers Buy/Sell Calls

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Ezra Holdings CIMB maintains Outperform with target price of S$3.00.
Ezra Holdings Deutsche maintains Hold with target price of S$1.90.
Ezra Holdings OCBC maintains Buy with target price of S$2.20 (previously S$2.27).
Ezra Holdings RBS maintains Buy with target price of S$2.20.

Neptune Orient Cut To Hold Vs Buy By UOBKayHian

City Developments Nomura maintains Neutral with target price of S$13.32 (previously S$13.00).

Sino Grandness DMG maintains Buy with target price of S$0.68 (previously S$0.56).

Hyflux OCBC maintains Buy with target price of S$2.70 (previously S$2.44).

Ascendas REIT Daiwa maintains Outperform with target price of S$2.50.

Thanks to Amator for updating te buy/sell calls

More details at :

Malaysia Smelting Corporation Berhad (New IPO)

Posted by admin on January 12, 2011 under Articles | 6 Comments to Read

Malaysia Smelting Corporation Berhad IPO

Who we are???
We believe we are one of the world’s leading integrated producers of refined tin metal and aim to establish a mining and smelting operation focused on sustainable growth in tin production and throughput capacity over the long-term. According to ITRI, we were the third largest supplier of tin metal globally in 2009, producing approximately 43,900 tonnes of refined tin metal in 2009. For 9M2010, our Group produced 34,500 tonnes of refined tin metal.

We are a subsidiary of The Straits Trading Company Limited (“STC”), a diversified resources, property development and hospitality company which is listed on the SGX-ST.

Our Shares have been listed on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia since 15 December 1994, where they are traded in Malaysian Ringgit. As at the Latest Practicable Date, our Company has a market capitalisation of approximately RM360.0 million (or S$150.7 million based on an exchange of RM1.00 = S$0.4186) based on the closing price per Share on the Bursa Malaysia on 17 December 2010.

find out more about IPO of Malaysia Smelting Corporation Berhad at:

SEF Group Ltd (New IPO)

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SEF Group Ltd New IPO

another new IPO coming soon

SEF Group Ltd New IPO

Companies within the Group
“Company” : SEF Group Ltd.
“SEF Construction” : SEF Construction Pte Ltd (formerly known as Southeast Finework Pte Ltd)
“SEF International Development” : SEF International Development Pte. Ltd.
“SEF Interiors” : SEF Interiors (S) Pte Ltd (formerly known as Ingrade Projects Pte. Ltd.)
“SEFI” : S.E.F UAE Interiors (L.L.C)
“SEFCC” : SEF Capital & Consultancy Ltd
“Solar Engineering” : Solar Engineering Facilities Pte. Ltd.

check the latest update on this new ipo at

UE E&C Ltd New IPO

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E E&C Ltd New IPO

“Anhui Anxin” : Anhui Anxin Energy Co., Ltd.
“Company” : UE E&C Ltd.
“GE Construction” : GE Construction Sdn. Bhd.
“Greatearth Construction” : Greatearth Construction Pte Ltd
“Greatearth Corporation” : Greatearth Corporation Pte. Ltd.
“Greatearth Developments” : Greatearth Developments Pte Ltd
“Greatearth Holding” : Greatearth Holding Pte Ltd
“Maxdin” : Maxdin Pte Ltd
“MaxLee Development” : MaxLee Development Pte. Ltd.
“Subsidiaries” : Subsidiaries of our Company
“UE Brunei” : United Engineers (B) Sdn Bhd
“UE-IBP” : UE-IBP Building Materials Pte. Ltd.
“UES” : United Engineers (Singapore) Private Limited
(Registration Number: 201025531D)
“UE-Tradetec” : UE-Tradetec (Singapore) Pte Ltd
“UE Vietnam” : United Engineers (Vietnam) Limited
“Winpride Investment” : Winpride Investment Pte. Ltd.